
Wood Type Museum


This Web Museum is established for the purpose of educating the general public, and the next generation, on the beauties of wood types and engraved blocks. Our mission is to gather, save, preserve, and interpret wood types and information about them.

As the demand for broadsides increased during first years of the nineteenth century, the need for the process of producing large letters cheaply arose. Wood was a logical material choice because of its ready availability, lightness, and proven printing qualities. In 1827, Darius Wells of New York City first found the means to mass produce wood letters. In March of 1828, first wood type catalogue was published by Wells. Throughout the wood type manufacturing history, many manufactories were in business. Among those, Wm. H. Page & Co., Vanderburgh, Wells & Co. and Hamilton Mfg. Co. was the most noted ones. [Ler mais...]

Museum of Creative Calendar Design

This Web Museum of Creative Calendar Design is established for the purpose of showcasing the outstanding calendars created by creative graphic desingers thoughout the world. It is a part of our on-going initiative designed to encourage and aspire people with creative talents in various fields to keep creating calendars in physical form. It is open to all with no cost to participants. Calendars have been with us since the beginning of the time. It is an essential part of the civilization. Calendars listed here are chosen for its beauty, uniqueness, and quality of finish. Entries here are essentially by invitation only, from all over the world and selected works will be displayed throughout the year.. So come often, enjoy !!

fonte: Wood Type Museum > Museum of Creative Calendar Design